How We Operate
Everything you need to know about our school holiday Buzzers CAMPS.
1. Sign up for your free Pebble account.
(Pebble is an industry-leading booking and management software).​ Click here for further information.
2. Choose your required Camp venue (all available venues will be listed on the booking form), then choose your required dates and times...then click 'Book'.
3. The next screen will show you confirmation of your booking and will prompt you for payment.
You now have 2 options -​
PAY BY CARD: Simply use your debit/credit card details to make payment and to complete your booking.​
PAY BY CHILDCARE VOUCHERS: We accept payment by Childcare Vouchers using PONCHOPAY (click here for our full list of providers and the references you'll need for payment). Childcare Voucher payments usually take 3-5 working days to reach us, so your Pebble account may not update straight away. After making your booking, you have 14 days to complete your childcare voucher payment. If payment is not made within this timeframe, your registered card will be credited with the booking value.
4. Once your booking is complete, you will instantly receive a booking confirmation email (showing the dates, times and venue that you have booked).
At this point, you're are all booked on and your child's name will have been added to the Camp register.
When you arrive to the Camp venue, you will need to accompany your child to the registration desk where you will be greeted by our 'Lead' coach. This person will tick your child's name on the register and invite them into the Camp. This is also the chance for you (the parent/guardian) to ask any questions you may have about the day's activities, and to take a sneak peek at what lies ahead for your child.
Your child/children will enter the Camp and be invited by our team to participate in the sport/game that is currently being played. They will put their bags and belongings on a bench (or safe place) so that they can join straight in with the activities. At 10am (when all other children arrive), they will be asked to move their bags and belongings to the designated storage area.
Your child/children will enter the Camp and be asked to put their bags and belongings in to our storage area. This is sometimes a classroom, hallway or an area of the sports hall.
When all children have arrived, a formal welcome and Camp introduction will be conducted by our 'Lead' coach. Children will be guided through the day's events/itinerary, be shown around the school/venue and given the opportunity to ask any questions. There will then be a full group activity, giving children the chance to make new friends and familiarise themselves with the Camp set up. Children will also be introduced to our 'BUZZERS RULES'.
For further information on what happens during a typical Buzzers Camp day, please visit our 'Frequently Asked Questions' page, or CLICK HERE.
For children booked on to the 'Camp Day' hours (finish time 4pm), they will be asked to gather their belongings
10-15 minutes before the end of the day so that they are ready to be collected by their parent/guardian. Occasionally, our afternoon activity may slightly overrun, so children may not be packed and ready for immediate collection. In this instance, we politely ask that parents remain outside of the Camp site whilst we prepare their child(ren) for collection.
For children booked on to the afternoon 'Extended Day' hours, because it is a flexible time option i.e. parents can collect their child(ren) any time between 4pm and 5.30pm, we only get children packed and ready once their parent/guardian arrives, meaning there may be a few minutes of waiting time when you do arrive.
NEED MORE INFORMATION? Please feel free to contact us at info@buzzers.org.uk
All children must be able to toilet and feed themselves independently without adult intervention.